Experts reveal long COVID might cause liver stiffness


eMediNexus    28 December 2022

Early COVID-19 results show that healthy infected individuals have abnormal liver function tests, suggesting a possible direct link between the two. The direct cause of liver damage in persons with coronavirus infections may be viral infection of the liver cells.


According to recent research, prolonged COVID infection might produce liver stiffness due to inflammation brought on by cytokines secreted during the infection or higher amounts of endotoxin. Endotoxin levels that are too high can lead to fibrosis and raise the risk of other issues including cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Antigen-antibody complexes attack the liver, the body′s major immunological organ, during COVID infection. As a result, the liver is frequently affected by COVID (more than 50% of the time).


Transient increases of liver enzymes like GOT and SGPT are used to diagnose this liver illness, which is typically asymptomatic. Jaundice and acute hepatitis are two signs of more serious liver injury, which can also occur. People who already have liver disease, especially cirrhosis, run the risk of having COVID infection exacerbate their condition.


Long-term COVID-19 symptoms also include weariness and malaise, which can aggravate underlying illnesses and increase pre-existing cases of severe liver damage and fibrosis. Additionally, there is proof that organ stiffness could get worse over time.


In conclusion, elevated liver enzymes are often mild and go away on their own in COVID-19 disease. Through regular doctor visits, it will be possible to determine if the onset of abnormal liver function occurs at the time of diagnosis or during therapy. Consequently, it′s crucial to care for the liver. Consume alcohol cautiously. Clean fruits and vegetables to remove contaminants. Prevent hepatitis A, B, and C infection. Drugs and plants that interfere with normal liver function should be avoided. Additionally eat healthy and exercises required to maintain proper liver health.


(Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/long-covid-can-cause-liver-stiffness-experts/photostory/96378928.cms?picid=96509798)

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